(386) 843-2202 411tarot@gmail.com

Why Tarot

Ultimately love comes from honesty. The pressure of not knowing can be intense. Tarot soothes like aloe on a sunburn. (At least the way I read it does!) We will laugh. It also can feel satisfying like seeing a good friend and is therapeutic. Seeing the energy of what’s coming in the future gives you the ability to tweak it! Twist your fate! I invite you to book a video reading with me. I suggest that you take notes! Tarot is for fun and entertainment purposes only and is derived primarily from logic.

Any reading booked is done within 24 hours!

Practical>Magic What’s the 411?

Consider me your intuitive directory assistance. My name is Shannon Holt, born on 04/11. I am a full-time body painter and fine artist with a special focus on tarot. I am a vegan chai tea/coffee addict. I love to swim and trike at Blue Springs (pictured at the top of my website), which is my church and therapy. Also necessary for my general happiness, painting all night in my studio in soft clothing (I love a black hoodie) and jamming out to my spectacular Spotify playlists. I love animals, and I think black kitties are good luck!

I try not to be too influenced by other readers—the cards have their own special meanings for me. I have meditated while painting my own tarot deck, (available soon) and have practiced so much with several decks, they each have their own voice and flavor. My own deck is AMAZING and I will boldly say that it will soon be the modern standard. I have been building my tarot vocabulary for several years, learning the original definitions X what each card means to me through life experiences, X strong intuitive messages which come through during a reading.


Read More About Shannon

I relate very much to the brokenhearted. I’ve decided that I am an expert in this area and am able to really help people transcend their dark cloud in a practical and therapeutic way. I’ll give you a freebie: the only thing that heals a broken heart is time and distraction, so put all the focus on the things you do that make you feel good and be loving and patient with yourself. It won’t feel like this forever. Most important to me is for my tarot friends to achieve their highest alignment by taking the road less traveled; forging your own path to the top is the most empowering thing someone can do!

Tarot cards help me tap into the truth of what is actually going on and turn the dial up on the intuition of both parties in the tarot reading, yours and mine. You will be able to see for yourself what I’m seeing without being too woo-woo! There IS some woo…but it’s “woo lite.” Tarot friends have gone back to their lives and noted synchronicities of things that happened just as the tarot said. I relate tarot to my swims at Blue Springs: I am diving into the crystal clear river for you, swimming to the spring, exploring all around to bring you back treasures of healthy advice and messages to quench anxiety. I’m not exactly sure how it works using quantum physics, but I get “icy water chills” (which feel good and remind me of my swims) as confirmation. After soft focusing, I can easily read the story like a book and sometimes a vision or vibe for a tarot friend whether they are sitting in front of me or sitting across in a virtual chat.

As long as my guest is open to having me explore the situation through the cards, special messages will flow with ease. As we all know, we are the artists of our own paintings. We choose I feel comfortable rocking the tarot to reinforce your path. When it’s time for your reading whether in person or virtually, have a pen in hand; there is a ton of INFO!—411 Tarot


Our initial consultation is a way for me to get to know you as your card reader at a value to establish a relationship with you and find out what you are the most interested in knowing. This is the time that happens right before your reading. Unless we have an established relationship, every reading comes with a free consultation which is not included in the “timer” that I keep.

The First Goal

To confirm with you that I am connected by asking if the initial messages resonate. That way I can give you an accurate reading. After the first few immediate moments, you will know that it’s the real deal. It is important to me that you have a great experience. I welcome the opportunity for repeat performances.

411 Tarot Blog

Mama told me there’d be days like this

Mama told me there’d be days like this

I can hear Van Morrison playing in my head...I was just coming home from Cassadaga from a client's house and did an extensive two-deck reading for her. I used the antique deck, which was gifted to me, by a mutual friend of a recently deceased friend, and the Light...

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A sacred place of wounded healing

A sacred place of wounded healing

I paint faces at Mardi Gras in New Orleans with my best friend Emma and every year I go and I get a reading in New Orleans, world-famous for tarot, psychics, and especially voodoo. I booked a reading at Bottom of the Cup Tea Room, where they have all these little...

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Boulevard of continuous dreams

Boulevard of continuous dreams

People ask me all the time how I got on the reality TV show “Skin Wars.” it’s kind of what I’m known for locally and I get recognized in public all the time for body painting. Well, the way that I got on the show is: I just did what I loved and I did it addictively. I...

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